Orgnization projects

Curriculum change and reform project
Sunday, March 1st, 2020. | Sunday, February,28th,2021
funded by USIP and with the support of AIM Network In order to remove some articles in the current curriculam that contribute to extremism and raise the hate speech and are inconsistent with diversity and pluralism in Iraq include the history and civilization of minorities in the curriculam and added their rights

Rehabilitation of a poultry field in Hamdaniya
Monday, November 19th @ 10am – 12pm
After ISIS events in 2014, private projects were subjected to destruction, theft and burning, and among these projects were the poultry fields in Qaroqosh, the Ghasin AL-Zaiton Branch Organization, with the support of FRREM Organization in the Middle East. Rehabilitation of poultry fields in Qaraqosh, which is an important source of income for the people of the district.

Rehabilitation of two poultry fields in AL-Hamdaniya
Saturday, December 2nd @ 10am – 12pm
this project is supported by Mosiac Middle East The duration of the project is 3 months – Hamdaniya Qaraqosh place

Emergency Relief
Saturday, December 2nd @ 10am – 12pm
Ghasin AL-Zaiton For Youth Orgainsation by the support of Mosaic Middle East Organization deliveried Hygiene packs to refugees at the Shekan IDP Camp,Hear from Yazidi refugees who have just received Hygiene packs. Click the link above to see Khalil, Ronahi and other refugees at the Shekan IDP Camp, and some of the difference our gifts have already made to these people.

Soap factory in Bashiqa
Saturday, December 2nd @ 10am – 12pm
Through generous donations to Mosaic Middle East, this factory has now been equipped with the necessary tools and equipment (such as soap cutters, plastic barrels, production line equipment, large carton printing device). Restoring the factory to this level has allowed increased production, providing job opportunities in this part of the Nineveh Plain.

by the support (Foundation for Relief and Reconciliation in the Middle East)
Saturday, December 2nd @ 10am – 12pm
Ghasin AL-Zaiton For Youth Organization has carried out a project aimed to protect the profession of beekeeping in Sinjar. The location is Mount Sinjar – Mount Maqlub. Duration of work is two months, 13-5-2020

Saturday, December 2nd @ 10am – 12pm
with the support of Mosaic Middle East Orginsation Ghasin Al-Zaiton For Youth Organization had Provided VITAL SUPPLIES FOR QARAQOSH HOSPITAL

GOZ is rehabilitating a calf rearing Farm in Qaraqosh
Saturday, December 2nd @ 10am – 12pm
Within Nineve Seed Ghasin Al-Zaiton For Youth Organization is rehabilitating a calf rearing Farm in Qaraqosh district

Equipped 5 Factories in Bashiqa to Support the Local Production
Saturday, December 2nd @ 10am – 12pm
Recovery is about more than restoring public services – it’s about reviving a sense of community. By renovating the Al-Jabel and Mar Qreaqus Parks, USAID Iraq and Ghasin al-Zaiton restored them for enjoyment by familes from Bashiqa and Qaraqosh diverse communities. As Bashiqa’s Fr. Daniel noted, these parks are now “a space for the community – the Muslims and Christians and Yazidis – to come together

Rise and Shine:
Saturday, December 2nd @ 10am – 12pm
The Iraq Community Resilience Initiative (ICRI) – Ta’afi project is financed by the United States Agency for International Development (USAID) and implemented by Ghasin Al-Zaiton Org. The project focuses on rehabilitating and developing electricity in Sinjar through installing 382 streetlights to support safe return in Sinjar neighborhoods

Project “Yanhad”
Saturday, December 2nd @ 10am – 12pm
funded by the European Union and the Crisis and Support Centre of the French Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Ghasin Alzaiton Organization for Youth in partnership with Expertise France implements the “Empower Youth in Sinjar Through Agricultural Livelihood Projects” project. The main aim of the project is to support youth in Sinjar. the project contains several activities including providing greenhouses to the young farmers and beehive boxes to the beekeepers.